Why Security Guards?

Why Security Guards?

San Francisco is known for its steep hills and stunning architecture. However, as with most major cities, San Francisco has its faults. While the city boasts less-than-the-national average violent crime rates, property and vehicle theft rates are sky-high. Homelessness is another concern for many SF residents. According to City Mayor research, 72% of homeless persons in California “sleep rough,” aka do not have shelter, compared to 4% of homeless persons who sleep rough in New York City. All major cities in California combined have 98,144 homeless residents, while New York City alone has 78,604 homeless residents.


Unsurprisingly, many Bay Area residents want that added layer of protection that security guards provide.

Dependent on location and client, guards will have varying duties. However, every security guard aims to provide the client with a sense of peace. Sometimes, just the presence of a guard alone can deter a dangerous person or situation. If something occurs, an officer must assess the problem quickly and accurately and react accordingly.


Guards perform numerous duties while on the job, but it is the client’s role to clarify these duties. A risk assessment is usually conducted before deploying security agents to clarify expectations. Clients can opt for either armed or unarmed officers. Most armed guards possess an exposed firearm permit and a concealed carry weapon permit. Unarmed guards may also have these permits, but their job does not require them.


When determining security, a client must consider their location and budget. In a large city such as San Francisco, some areas have a higher crime rate than others. However, that doesn’t automatically mean an armed guard is needed. Usually, all that is required is an agent who can de-escalate a situation. If that’s not possible, the next step many guards will (and should) take would be to call local law enforcement.

Many people seeking an extra safety net hesitate regarding hiring security due to the cost. Guards are expensive and should be, considering their job is protecting others. The majority of us can agree that safety is high on our priority list. Consider the damage to life or property if a security agent isn’t present when a situation becomes hostile. Property may become damaged, requiring thousands of dollars to fix. Having a security guard there to de-escalate the problem not only saves distress but money, too.


Security guards act as another set of eyes and are trained to spot red flags. They can prevent harmful persons keen on starting a disturbance from reaching the threshold.

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